Flood Prevention and Safety Tips

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Almost anyplace it rains, it could flood. Particularly with the Prediction heating up following the current blizzard we had, it’s necessary to remember flood prevention and safety tips!

Before we get to how you can stop, limit or respond to Flood, it is essential to be aware that flood damage is usually not covered by your homeowners or tenants insurance. Lawley has technical flood insurance plans which we are able to talk with you. Regardless of what state you reside in, talk to our private insurance division to go over options.

Getting Ready for a Flood

The Federal Emergency Management Agency urges a number Of steps to remain safe during crises and limit damage from flood. You need to:

Construct an emergency kit for the household containing such things As drinking water and nonperishable food for every member of your household (two‐week supply), flashlights, a radio, extra batteries, a first‐aid kit, essential medicines, personal hygiene items and copies of all significant documents

Create a communication strategy so relatives can achieve one another

Restoring your furnace, water heater and electrical panel in Your house when you reside in a place having a high flood hazard

Consider installing “check valves” to stop floodwater From backing up into the drains of your house

If possible, build obstacles to prevent floodwater from Entering your house and seal cellar walls with waterproofing chemicals

Acting During a Flood

When a flood is likely in the town, Fast actions may be Necessary to safeguard your loved ones and property. You need to:

Get info from the radio or tv

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Move immediately to higher ground if There’s any Chance of a flash flooding. Don’t Wait for instructions to proceed

If You Have to evacuate, secure Your House and move essential Things into an upper floor. Turn off utilities if instructed to do so, and disconnect electric appliances. But Do not touch electrical equipment If You’re wet or standing in water

Don’t walk through moving water it can cause you to fall. Use A rod to check the stability of the ground before you

Don’t drive into flooded areas. If You’re caught on your Automobile in floodwater, leave your vehicle and move to higher ground if you can do this safely

In Case You Have evacuated your house, don’t return until Authorities tell you it’s safe

Coping After a Flood

Flooding can cause psychological stress Together with bodily Risks, so be cautious of this well‐being of you and your household through the wake

Floodwater may be contaminated by oil, gas or sewage, So avoid contact as much as you can

Ensure That Your city’s water source is safe to consume

Clean and disinfect everything that has been connected with floodwater