Ten Steps to Repair Wicker Furniture Reed Damage or Loss

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Ten Steps to Repair Wicker Furniture Reed Damage or Loss


You’re likely to be pleasantly surprised when you have to fix furniture made of wicker which has its wicker reeds damaged or gone missing. It is difficult to find someone who is willing and able to assist you. If you’re suffering from serious damage, the cost of repair is likely to be prohibitive. Sometimes, the expense of fixing pair Wicker Furniture could be more than the value of the furniture. If that is the case, then you should think about fixing the furniture yourself. You’ll want to fix the furniture piece in case it’s not part of an entire set. In these cases it’s a great option to repair the issue yourself to prevent the piece that is damaged from being wasted. While it’s not easy but it’s definitely doable.

This article demonstrates the repairs needed to a wicker love chair that was damaged after dogs chewed on the Reed. It was difficult to match the reed’s hue or size. We chose the most similar to reed we could locate. We were able to save the furniture of the client, that was part of a match set, but was no longer available.

You may require tools:

  • Conventional pliers
  • Needle Nose Pliers
  • Wire Cutters
  • You can use the same way like Paper Clips. Paper Clip
  • Replacing broken or missing wicker furniture Reed

It may sound difficult to repair furniture made of wicker, and it is. This course is focused on fixing broken or damaged reeds that are weaved in one direction. This is not intended to be used for intricate woven pieces. It’s easy to fix small issues and can be extremely satisfying to make it yourself. It’s not that difficult once you’ve mastered the art of it. But, it will require some time.

Ten Steps to Replace Lost or damaged Reeds

1. How to identify damaged Reeds

Examine the damage you want to fix, and determine if re-weaving would be an alternative. It is easy to observe the damaged wicker weave reed , and then determine the severity of the damaged or missing reed. It is crucial to determine the repairs required.

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2. Determine the Reed Material: Size Shape, Color, and (Resin or natural)

It is important to decide the kind of material you need, as well in the dimensions and color of your Wicker. Wicker can be made using synthetic or natural resins. The design and the size of the reed as well as the shades can differ based on whether you’re using synthetic or natural resins.

3. If you can, collect an example of Reed

To locate the correct replacement reed, you’ll need to collect an example of the damaged reed from under your furniture or collect the one from an area which is exposed. A sample is a great method to present the vendor and improve your odds of locating the right replacement.

4. Determine the amount of Reed needed

It is crucial to know the length of the reed piece that will be required to repair the damaged. It is recommended to estimate the quantity and then add a few. Keep in mind that having leftovers is an excellent thing to have when you make an order. Have spare reeds on to hand in case you require them. If you have to pair Wicker Furniture your equipment this is a cheap insurance policy.

5. Find a new Reed at Wicker Dealers

If you want to purchase a new reed, first visit the place that you purchased the furniture from. If that fails then you should contact an agent for wicker to get repairs supplies. Resin reeds can be difficult to locate due to the numerous vendors that offer different sizes, colors and varieties. Natural wicker is Home Improvement simple to find. Certain reeds are not able to be substituted with exact matches and you might need to choose a different dimensions or color. We’ve found that war injuries can be a nice addition to your furniture.

6. Be aware of the weave Pattern

Before starting making your plans, ensure you have studied the pattern of weaving. It is possible that you won’t be able to identify the pattern if you’ve taken out the damaged reed. Make sure to study it and figure out how to weave your new reed into. It’s helpful to look at the furniture from the opposite side. Right arm. Look at the area that is free of damaged or missing reeds, to observe how it appears. It may also be beneficial to get a clear image.

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7. Removal of damaged Reed

Utilize a pair Wicker Furniture of pliers or a similar tools to cut and take the wire that is damaged. The remaining wire must be removed to point it away from the surface. Make sure you keep at least 1 inch of the original reed beneath the surface. The more weaves you do in the reed piece more tightly, the more it will be able to hold. If you’re able to remove enough of the original reed to weave some more between cross members. It is possible to do this as many as four or seven times, if you are able to. There may be no alternatives other than weaving an unintentional weave over three cross members in smaller regions. It is possible accept the fact that the piece may be slightly loose when you weave it in. It’s fine as you don’t let it be able to fall out.

8. Make use of a wire tool to assist in pulling the Reed back up

A tool is required to assist you in weaving the new reel. The reed must be woven between the crossmember and over it. If you don’t have a wire tool, you won’t be able of pulling the reed up onto the surface. Create a wire tool made of a paperclip, or a similar-sized wire. If you put the wire over an unibody, grasp the wire using your fingers and pull it out from under the crossmember. To create a hook, bend the wire’s end to allow it to grab the reed. It might take some trial and error to make the hook perform as you would expect. The hook should be straight when it pulls the cane in between the laterals. The other end should be bent to ensure that your fingers can lift the tool upwards.

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9. Create a new reed, and then place it (tuck into ends if needed).

It is common to find reeds with lengths that exceed 36 inches. They are usually larger than the length you require to replace one piece of reed. Make use of all of the length of the reed while weaving, and then cut off the excess after you’re done. This will make sure that you don’t squander the money you’ve spent. It is feasible to cut lengths that are easier to manage when waste isn’t an issue. The wire tool that you created will prove useful in fixing the reed. It is possible to grab the ends of the reed and lower it below the surface using the hook on the top. This will enable you to pull the pattern in place.

Note: In order to make the natural wicker reeds flexible enough to bend prior to weaving, it should be submerged in water for at minimum 15 minutes.

10. Natural Wicker is able to be stained and then sealed

It is necessary to stain or paint the natural wicker product you purchase in the event that you intend to fix it. After staining but not painting, you can seal the stained reed with transparent acrylic paint. If your wicker hasn’t been treated or natural, you do not need to seal it. You can visit the local hardware store and buy the smallest amount of stain that is available. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer for staining. To seal the surface you spray the clear acrylic coat over the area. If you want to, you can apply the spray to the entire surface.

Paint only the area that is damaged or the entire area to finish the task. For more details, check out our tips to Painting Wicker Furniture and Painting pair Wicker Furniture Articles.

Two important things to remember:

Since weaving occupies much more area than you might think, it will require longer length.

It is recommended to leave at minimum 2 inches on each side of your new reed in order to keep it from pulling away.